What To Do When You Receive A Living Sex Doll?
How to use a human sex doll?
There are three steps in how to use a real doll.
Before use, during use, and after use, please read the following detailed explanation.
The Basic Check Should Be Used Before Use
We believe that you will be very excited when you receive the package of the realistic sex doll because she is not only your partner for sexual intercourse but also a member of your future life.
Wash Your Hands
If you do not wash your hands before opening the box, you will save time. To make sure that your hands do not stain her skin and leave stains on her body, please clean your hands before touching her.
The sex doll's head and torso will be separated during transportation. The package needs to be opened carefully. The sex doll's head should be put on the torso if the doll isn't damaged. You should put on your hair when the doll's hair is also separated.
Install Living Sex Doll Head
If there is any damage during the handling of the doll, it is a good idea to remove the plastic paper from the packaging. If there is damage, notify the seller as soon as possible. Don't damage the packing box, put the box in an open place so that it can be used when returning or replacing the goods in the future