How Do I Care For Female Real Doll?
Realistic sex dolls for men are made with materials that are safe and healthy. You should pay attention to product hygiene when you use it because it will not damage a human body.
The real doll with interior channels is a bit more difficult.
It's a good idea to wash inside and out with warm water and soap just before use. My fingers and liquid soap are usually used for interior channels. I have found that drying the interiors of dolls that don't have two open ends can be difficult. I like to use either tightly rolled paper towels or rolled up washcloths.
Make sure to repeat the above process immediately after use. The interiors of dolls should be completely dry before the female real doll is stored.
This may seem like a lot of trouble, but the rewards are worth it, at least to me. It is definitely important to pay attention to yourself and your body. It is definitely a good idea to use lube. It's a good idea to choose a size you can start with.